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[Bug] IC2 prod. machines-开源项目-CSDN问答
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-25

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\"weixin_39789979\" weixin_39789979 2020-12-02 15:26 首页 开源项目 [Bug] IC2 prod. machines


With b33-34-UNOFF (maybe previous) players can t open production machines from IC2 like thermo, macerator, metal former etc, the skin isn t loading too

About versions: - industrialcraft-2-2.2.767-experimental.jar- industrialcraft-2-2.2.804-experimental.jar- industrialcraft-2-2.2.810-experimental.jar - industrialcraft-2-2.2.811-experimental.jar

该提问来源于开源项目 CyberdyneCC/Thermos

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\"weixin_39797264\" weixin_39797264 3月前

nvm. someone changed the startup to use a specific Thermos version which was still in the folder for some reason. Organisation at its best ^^

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\"weixin_39591916\" weixin_39591916 3月前

Are you certain? I am not getting this issue, I tested it myself D:


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\"weixin_39797264\" weixin_39797264 3月前

still getting this issue on B44 running Infinity Evolved 2.4.1

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\"weixin_39591916\" weixin_39591916 3月前

Fixed in B41

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\"weixin_39955423\" weixin_39955423 3月前

I can confirm this is still an Issue Running Thermos Build 39 on Infinity Evolved 2.3.5


Every IC2 block I place I am unable to interact with and many of them place with the front facing down oddly enough (unable to interact if I go under it as well)

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\"weixin_39789979\" weixin_39789979 3月前

Nope, do you have this problem too ?

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\"weixin_39997400\" weixin_39997400 3月前

This was fixed?

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\"weixin_39789979\" weixin_39789979 3月前

Same bug with b35

Edit: b35-b36-b37

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\"weixin_39591916\" weixin_39591916 3月前

Should be fixed in BL35

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\"weixin_39789979\" weixin_39789979 3月前

I can t start some servers with builds under b33 (always crashing on init, botania/thaumcraft..). Anyway i ll wait for b35, thanks :)

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\"weixin_39591916\" weixin_39591916 3月前

There are serious issues with 34 and 33, please do not use them for now. 31 should be fine.

35 planned release should fix this

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\"weixin_39789979\" weixin_39789979 3月前

-Ken Without plugins on build : 33-34-UNOFF

Tried with Infinity Evolved v2.3.5It doesn t work and on place it bug (side) : http://prnt.sc/aac1zj

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\"weixin_39789979\" weixin_39789979 3月前

Which build of Thermos are you using? As I can t reproduce this issue, which protection plugin are you using as well?

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\"weixin_39927408\" weixin_39927408 3月前

Confirm. industrialcraft-2-2.2.814-experimental

Also can not create IC2 double crop .No errors in logs.

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本文链接: http://scprod.immuno-online.com/view-770182.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)